I am currently reading the book "An Irresistible Revolution" by Shane Claiborne. It's like a breath of fresh air and a slap in the face at the same time.

He talks about what it means to be a true follower of Jesus Christ by living life the same way that Christ did. (breath of fresh air)
He says,
So I did a little survey, probing Christians about their (mis)conceptions of Jesus... I learned a striking thing from the survey. I asked participants who claimed to be "strong followers of Jesus'" whether Jesus spent time with the poor. Nearly 80 percent said yes... I asked the same group of strong followers whether they spent time with the poor and less than 2 percent said they did. (slap in the face)
What has happened to us who call ourselves believers? When did we become so lazy and when did this passivity become the norm in Christian faith?
I highly recommend the book, but I must warn you it is not a coffee table book. It's not just a book full of good ideas and pretty imagery. Shane is basically issuing a challenge to everyone who calls themselves a Christian. The life of a follower of Jesus Christ is not one of comfort or status quo. It is a life of community. Taking a chance to really connect with people around you and live life together in such a way that people experience the love and grace of Jesus through your actions not just your words. Giving your money is a cop out. Giving your time is little better. Give your life. That's what Jesus did.
Community. Isn't that what we all want anyway? Acceptance is one of the most basic human needs. We all crave community at the core of who we are. Jesus made an effort to spend time with the outcasts and the social rejects. He touched lepers, he ate dinner with prostitutes and tax collectors. Why aren't we doing the same? We are worried what other people will think. We have our reputations to consider... But if you have read the Bible you know that true followers of Jesus end up like him... persecuted, belittled, shunned. The question I am asking myself right now is, am I prepared to follow Jesus all the way to the cross?
Being a Christian means getting out of your comfort zone. Engaging in real life with other people is messy. I mean, have you tried to have a real conversation with anyone lately? People are rude, stupid, selfish and inconsiderate. Just like you and me. Community is painful and hard, but essential and the fullest way to live.
Another thought that weighs heavy on my heart is "the poor you will have with you always". Jesus said that. (Matthew 26:11, Mark 14:7, John 12:8) But does that mean that we shouldn't sell what we have and give to the poor because it won't do any good anyways? No, Shane points out that the reason poverty exists is not because God doesn't care. He absolutely cares. The reason poverty exists is because there are too many greedy people in the world. Think about it, we could see a total end to poverty in our lifetime, but greed... not so much. While there are still greedy people in high places and while there is still materialism and selfishness in my own heart there will always be those in poverty. Keep in mind, their poverty is our fault. Mine and yours. What our parents and great grand parents did with the resources they had is on them. We have a choice to make with the resources that what we have. The one who has the most is responsible for the one who has nothing.
So now what? Make a change. Stop ignoring what is in your heart. Let go of all the shiny, pretty things. Maybe it means you sell everything and become a part of a community like the simple way in Philadelphia. Maybe it means that you use your business, education whatever you have in your hand to make a difference.
My senior year of high school we read a book in my environmental science class called Ishmael.

Aside from the fact that this profound philosophical discussion is taking place telepathically between a man and a gorilla the basic truth is the same... If you are a Taker. Realize it and stop. Make changes today to become a Giver. Just imagine how different things would be if we all took responsibility for cleaning up the mess we have made with the earth we have been given.
Listen to this teaching by Matt Chandler at the Village Church.
6.03.07- "Treasures-Heart Matters (Part 3)" speaker: Matt Chandler
Here is an excerpt from the transcript:
Everything that you posses and all that you're currently chasing is one day going to be in a landfill. It does not matter how much you love on it or how much you polish it or whether or not you name it. It does not matter if you wash it on the gentle cycle and don't put it in the dryer. Everything that you have and all that you're currently pursuing is on its way to the junkyard. And if it's not on its way there, then the Scriptures say rust is then going to get it or some weird animal's going to eat it up. So He's just going, “Hey listen, you can get this stuff if you want, but in the end, it's going to be trash.”... In other words, worldly possessions have been given to you and me to distribute in such a way that honors Christ and builds the kingdom. He says here, “Sell what you have and give it to the poor. Let your moneybags not grow old. What you've been given has been given to give out.”

Think about it.
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